Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cosplans for CosFest '14 (Singapore)

So I skyped with my parents today and as usual there were technical difficulties with the sound and video (laughs) -- updated them on my laziness my activities since my end of term -- technically it's exam season now, but I don't have exams, just a shit load of assignments (which were due even before the exams started heh).

Anyway, it's really cold today for some reason, or maybe the reason being that it's British weather (shrugs). I'm all wrapped up in my duvet and my heater isn't working.

Right, for CosFest '14, I'll be going as teenage Hibari Kyoya from Katekyo Hitman Reborn:

image from:
Okay to be honest, I'm not sure how to go about as the character in terms of costume -- I got the shirt, pants and even the red tie, but I'm missing out on the jacket/coat and dress shoes. I'm trying to work on a really tight budget (since GBP is like, making me real broke right now) And I realised that buying a suit is totally out of the question (plus trying to find a matching jacket with the pants is difficult ;__; )
I might have to forgo the jacket.. I'll probably borrow my dad's shoes..

I'll be making his tonfas as well from whatever I have back home and getting the armband made at a shop.
Another problem I encountered was trying to get a Hibird; his yellow fluffy bird companion. I might probably just buy one at the con though.

image from: (found on google)

Yet to order the wig, waiting for confirmation of prices from the middle person.

Ahhhh it sucks that I don't have as much freedom to do this as I would back home as I'm very lacking in resources (such as cash).

I also realised that this costume would be very incomplete (I'm a perfectionist when it comes to projects /woe). I'll probably have to remake some things, improve on the costume and actually buy/make the accessories that define Hibari, after the con.

For the second day, I'll be going as genderbent!Miku (Mikuo). Due to time and finance constrains, I'll be borrowing my cousin's Mikuo costume -- she cosplayed as Mikuo a couple of years back). I'll be using her wig too.

Image from:
I would love to portray Mikuo as a "manlier" version such as in the fanart above, but I have some facial features (especially my nose and mouth) that are quite feminine. Thus, I've been trying really hard to try to 'change' them with make up. As of late I've been scrutinizing cosplayers' faces (reverse crossplayers, female to male cosplayers) to try to understand how they achieve that "male" look.

I'm slowly getting there, but I can't expect a sudden increase in skill overnight now, can I? (Though that would be REALLY helpful).

Signing off,

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